Martes, Hunyo 7, 2011

First Day Scenario in School


Ever since,when I was still young the first day of school can be crazy and fun. Specially the Grades One and Two pupils together with their parents are running around looking for their classrooms. When after some back and forth,finally they found their classrooms and their teachers waiting for the children to get in, then suddenly you can hear different music, music that at first you enjoyed hearing on it as a teacher,you smiled with it,but as it will become intense...there's already the screaming,shouting and the never ending convincing and pulling from the parent...the smile on your face turned to frown as you become irritated.


While other grade levels were busy talking about their vacation,chatting with old friends and classmates and meeting new classmates too.The laughing and the loud voices of their stories, the jumping and playing around the school ground, they were so excited with their new bought things for school.The happiness and excitement you can't take them away from these pupils. This is the first day scenario in school. Can anyone combat this first-day chaos in school?            

But still, first day in school is fun!           

Welcome back to school everyone!       

2 komento:

  1. This is the real scenario on the first day of school.

  2. this is great....though hectic, yet you stillhave time to reflect on what you've been doing in the school.. i hope you sustain this...

