Miyerkules, Mayo 18, 2011

A Wonderful Try...

"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go"  T.S. Elliot

This is what I keep in my mind. I have to hold on to this quote whenever I feel giving up every time I hear  Scientific Paper as our output from the speakers and from my co-participants.What is this Scientific Paper all about? Why it scares most of us? What is in it that we feel this way?

A Scientific Paper explains the scientist's motivation for doing an experiment, it is written in a style that is exceedingly clean and concise.Its purpose is to inform an audience about an important issue and to document the particular approach they use to investigate.
          Parts of a Scientific Paper:
  • Title - contains the variables being studied, it describes the content of the paper.
  • Abstracts - summarizes the major aspects of the entire paper
  • Introduction - state the purpose of the work in the form of hypothesis, question or problem, it briefly explain your rationale.
  • Methods - explain clearly how you carried out your study.
  • Results - the summaries of the statistical analysis
  • Discussion - interpret your results in light of what was already known about the subject on the investigation, it explain our new understanding of the problem after taking the results
  • Conclusion and Summary - contains why hypothesis are accepted or rejected
  • Acknowledgement - list of the persons who helped you out in the study 
  • Literature Cited - provide an alphabetical listing of all the published work you cited in the text of the paper.      
          So, what do you think? Do I have the reason to be afraid and hesitant on this paper? Not only that, I found out through Dr. Jean Saludades, a professor in UPOU, that there are two ways of knowing through research: a quantitative approach and a qualitative approach.
  • A quantitative research provides causal explanation for an action or a phenomenon.
  • A qualitative research provides contextual explanation for an action or a phenomenon.
         There are lot of things to consider in making a Scientific Paper...but, do I have to give up or should I make a try? Give up and sighed...or  feel fulfilled for a wonderful try...Take the risk, and be at your best!

Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing!  Choice is yours...

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