Martes, Hunyo 7, 2011

First Day Scenario in School


Ever since,when I was still young the first day of school can be crazy and fun. Specially the Grades One and Two pupils together with their parents are running around looking for their classrooms. When after some back and forth,finally they found their classrooms and their teachers waiting for the children to get in, then suddenly you can hear different music, music that at first you enjoyed hearing on it as a teacher,you smiled with it,but as it will become intense...there's already the screaming,shouting and the never ending convincing and pulling from the parent...the smile on your face turned to frown as you become irritated.


While other grade levels were busy talking about their vacation,chatting with old friends and classmates and meeting new classmates too.The laughing and the loud voices of their stories, the jumping and playing around the school ground, they were so excited with their new bought things for school.The happiness and excitement you can't take them away from these pupils. This is the first day scenario in school. Can anyone combat this first-day chaos in school?            

But still, first day in school is fun!           

Welcome back to school everyone!       

Sabado, Mayo 21, 2011

Home Sweet Home

The 12 day training has ended
Now I'm lying on my  bed                                          
Hear the laughters of my daughters
From the jokes of their father.

Finally I am now home
A home where I really belong
But for the last 12 days...
It's in UP and YMCA where I stayed.

   Met new friends around Cebu province           Ging,Gang,Gay are some of their names
 Nil and Bim are my fave roommates
 They could also be my playmates.


             Learning in UP is so much fun
             Thanks to RAFI for the fund.
             Sir Baggy is one of our mentors
            That motivates us to Research more


Sir Anton, Ma'am Jan from RAFI
and the activities from Sir Totit
Dr.Panares, Dr. Saludades
Sir Ontoy, Ma'am Rhona & Ma'am Alvie
These are the people I will never forget.
                                                                                                      Now that the training has ended
                                                                                                      I'm home with my full heart & head
                                                                                                         The learnings and the memories 
                                                                                                          for sure will not be wasted.
                                                                                                                   Home sweet home                                                                                          I am finally home.

Miyerkules, Mayo 18, 2011

A Wonderful Try...

"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go"  T.S. Elliot

This is what I keep in my mind. I have to hold on to this quote whenever I feel giving up every time I hear  Scientific Paper as our output from the speakers and from my co-participants.What is this Scientific Paper all about? Why it scares most of us? What is in it that we feel this way?

A Scientific Paper explains the scientist's motivation for doing an experiment, it is written in a style that is exceedingly clean and concise.Its purpose is to inform an audience about an important issue and to document the particular approach they use to investigate.
          Parts of a Scientific Paper:
  • Title - contains the variables being studied, it describes the content of the paper.
  • Abstracts - summarizes the major aspects of the entire paper
  • Introduction - state the purpose of the work in the form of hypothesis, question or problem, it briefly explain your rationale.
  • Methods - explain clearly how you carried out your study.
  • Results - the summaries of the statistical analysis
  • Discussion - interpret your results in light of what was already known about the subject on the investigation, it explain our new understanding of the problem after taking the results
  • Conclusion and Summary - contains why hypothesis are accepted or rejected
  • Acknowledgement - list of the persons who helped you out in the study 
  • Literature Cited - provide an alphabetical listing of all the published work you cited in the text of the paper.      
          So, what do you think? Do I have the reason to be afraid and hesitant on this paper? Not only that, I found out through Dr. Jean Saludades, a professor in UPOU, that there are two ways of knowing through research: a quantitative approach and a qualitative approach.
  • A quantitative research provides causal explanation for an action or a phenomenon.
  • A qualitative research provides contextual explanation for an action or a phenomenon.
         There are lot of things to consider in making a Scientific Paper...but, do I have to give up or should I make a try? Give up and sighed...or  feel fulfilled for a wonderful try...Take the risk, and be at your best!

Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing!  Choice is yours...

Martes, Mayo 17, 2011

In the Name of LOVE...

     My love for my teaching profession is the reason why I could still manage to laugh and smile even facing the tough and getting tougher training here at UP.
     Today, we tackled on the integration of ICT ( Information and Communication Technology ) in teaching science, though this is not new to me because I've been doing this in my class for quite some time,I have my computer,TV set,DVD player with CDs in science and a sound system, what I need is a projector so I can have a power point presentation on my lessons ( is there anyone that could donate/sponsor on this? Hmmm...let me  think, how about RAFI?...) but the introduction of ASSURE Model of Learning made me amazed! In my mind, "here comes another burden!" but only to realized after the discussion of Ma'am Alvie from UPOU that there's no difference in the lesson plan that we used to, ASSURE differs only in analizing the learners first before stating the objectives and so on until giving of evaluation.
      In the afternoon, what made me sighed and crossed my forehead was the introduction of Research by Ma'am Rhona, as I listened, my mind flew...far far away...could I make a research? How?.. Even making a sample topic or a title for a research it took me several minutes, how much more in making my own research following all those processes given? Well, let's see tomorrow what will happen as we continue with our discussion about research with Sir Dexter Ontoy and Dr. Panares of CNU ( Cebu Normal University ), our next discussants.

Biyernes, Mayo 13, 2011

" Not by CHOICE!"....

     " No man was ever wise by chance, it is by choice."                               

       I often heard this from my teachers before, from the speakers/discussants during seminars, and YES, it's true! It is our choice whether we want to learn or not, and willing to face the challenges that we may encounter with the Blended Mentorship Program.
       Today's topic is all about research. The methods,the processes, the problems and most especially the statistics that we are going to consider in making a research are all jumbling and tickling in my mind. I have mixed emotions on this. I feel privilege/lucky because I have the chance to study and do things on this and that ( by nature, I love doing that is new to me esp. it's all about fun,fun and fun) but in doing research, as we go through a lot of processes, I don't think I'll have fun on this. But as Dexter S. Ontoy, a research specialist from Cebu Normal University (CNU) go on with his discussion and the workshop he gave us, I was a little bit enlightened on what to do.I fully understand the importance of having a research. So with the afternoon session with, Dr. Zosima Pañares, another research specialist from CNU ,she was able to introduced or shall we say recall the lessons about Statistics in a lighter way. She taught us how to get the statistical data and
interpret it without hassle ( ...just hope I could still remember it ).                                                              

       Thanks God! the day ended with a picture,picture (picture taking) with Dr. Pañares.

Huwebes, Mayo 12, 2011

Smiles and Laughters...

     The participants were all in smiles on the second day, it was maybe because we were able to open or create our own blog site successfully after how many attempts and failures in signing in and creating a blog. Aside from opening a blog site on our first session, we made a blog and published it. Whew! we're now bloggers.
      As Dr.Bagarinao started to talked on Science content and let us list down the topics which we found difficult to teach, the smiles were starting to fade away...Why o why???
        The Pedagogy in Teaching Science was also elaborated by Sir Bagarinao, we had our groupings and made our output through power point, a lesson plan which the topic was given by sir and we were to think/make a strategy to a certain topic. We presented it to the whole participants and made comments/critique about the presentation headed by Ma'am Alvie and Ma'am Rhona from UPOU.
      Again,ended our day with blogging...but,mind you guys,we still manage to smile and even laugh.
         Could we still have our smiles and laughter on the next day? ABANGAN....